简介:As the daughter of an underground hip-hop legend who died right before he hit big, Bri's got massive shoes to fill. But it's hard as she is labeled a hoodlum at school, and faces financial crisis after her mom loses her job. So Bri pours her anger and frustration into her first song, which goes viral, for all the wrong reasons. Bri soon finds herself at the center of a controve...
It follows Sam as he babysits his niece and nephew before the holidays and recruits help from their handsome neighbor Jason and finds himself in an unexpected romance.
简介:安妮(托妮·科莱特 Toni Collette 饰)和鲍勃(哈威·凯特尔 Harvey Keitel 饰)是一对美国上流社会交际圈里的明星夫妇。一天,两人正在筹备一场非常盛大的宴会,邀请了身份十分尊贵的上流朋友们。在宴会即将举行的这个节骨眼上,安妮发现现场有13位客人,13这个数字可没有什么吉利的含义。
为了打破13魔咒,安妮决定临时增加一名特殊的客人,她命令自己的女仆玛利亚(萝西·德·帕尔马 Rossy de Palma 饰)假扮成一位身份尊贵的西班牙贵妇和他们同享晚宴,哪知道来自英国的艺术品经纪人大卫(迈克尔·史麦利 Michael Smiley 饰)竟然在席间爱上了玛利亚。为了守住这个秘密,玛利亚不得不延长她角色扮演的时间。
简介:Two estranged brothers come together and discover old family secrets after inheriting their grandfather's property. As their friends start to go missing, they fear they are being stalked by a creature lurking in the shadows.
简介:When a group of nerds leak a washed-up celebrity's sex tape, the publicity revives the actress's career and other Hollywood rejects want to star in the guys next "production."
简介:The warmhearted story of Polish immigrant and mathematician Stan Ulam, who moved to the U.S. in the 1930s. Stan deals with the difficul t losses of family and friends all while helping to create the hydrogen bomb and the first computer.
简介:Lucas Jackson(保罗?纽曼 Paul Newman 饰),一个越战的退伍兵,在一个喝醉酒的夜里拆掉了镇上的停车计时器而被判两年的监禁。一开始,他就挑战监狱里的领袖人物Dragline(乔治?肯尼迪 George Kennedy 饰)。Dragline个头比Lucas大得多,把Lucas打得毫无还手之力,但Lucas却一直拒绝屈服,因此赢得了Dragline的尊重。而在监狱的扑克比赛中,Lucas屡屡取胜,得名Cool Hand Luke。Lucas的母亲和侄子的来访让他备受鼓舞,虽然他在监狱里要忍受许多恶劣的环境和非人的待遇,但他依旧对前途充满了希望。然而母亲的逝世却让他陷入了深深的痛苦。他比之前更想要逃狱,然而一次次的失败,和监狱长的无情,让他的路越来越难走……
简介:Four young men leave boyhood behind and shed more than just their clothes and inhibitions in Writer/Director Daniel Armando’s new film. Shy Manuel and gay, adult video star Max travel to New York City for a video shoot. Manuel's older brother, Jorge, dances away the emotional toll of an abusive relationship while Fabian, a young Puerto Rican hiding his homosexuality, navigates ...
简介:Five Spec Ops, Alpha Squad, head a simple Recon Mission that turns into an all out war for survival against a wave of undead experiments. Alpha Squad must fight, not just for the sake of their own survival, but the fate of the world.
简介:St. Jude Square is a neighborhood living in fear and despair. The dueling gangs of local kingpins Dash and Antuan terrorize the streets and the citizens live without a shred of hope... until mysterious stranger Ryan Hong (Cung Le) arrives in town. He begins to play one gang against the other using his unparalleled martial arts skills, and by calling on the teachings of his bril...