简介:狂野西部,臭名昭著的葛雷洛·迪拉库兹(丹尼·特乔 Danny Trejo 饰)率领心狠手辣的黑水帮劫持法场,救出了险些被处以绞刑的同母异父弟弟红龙卡文纳(迈克尔·C·豪尔 Michael C. Hall 饰)。事后卡文纳怂恿有意金盆洗手的老哥,前往位于科罗拉多的伊甸谷抢劫藏在银行金库中的金子。黑水帮在小镇大开杀戒,谁知关键时刻葛雷洛遭到卡文纳背叛,被手下们乱枪打死。 葛雷洛死后堕入地狱,见到了经常在梦中困扰他的魔鬼路西法(米基·洛克 Mickey Rourke 饰)。他与魔鬼交易,承诺将在24小时内带来六个人成为路西法的牺牲。在此之后,葛雷洛从沉睡了一年之久的墓穴中苏醒,乘着地狱怒火血洗已经更名墓碑镇的暴徒乐园伊甸谷……
简介:Guerrero returns from the dead once more to protect a stolen relic from getting into the hands of a gang of soldiers, which will ultimately cause hell upon eart
简介:故事发生在十七世纪中叶的荷兰。德鲁伊特(弗兰克·拉莫斯 Frank Lammers 饰)继承了马尔滕(鲁特格尔·哈尔 Rutger Hauer 饰)的位置成为了新一任的海军上将,他用接二连三的胜利证明了自己的智慧和实力,赢得了属下们的信赖与尊重。 共和党官员约翰(巴里·阿茨玛 Barry Atsma 饰)和奥兰治党的亲王威廉三世(埃伯特·杨·韦伯 Egbert Jan Weeber 饰)为了挣得权利而进行着没有硝烟的较量。与此同时,荷兰和英国之间的战争正如火如荼的进行着。带领着自己的舰队,德鲁伊特成功的击退了敌人,因而成为了享誉全国的英雄,可他的名声大噪亦让他被迫卷入了王室的权欲纷争之中,甚至威胁到了他和他的家人的生命。
简介:Retired mixed martial artist Wes "The Jailor" Baylor (Scott Adkins) can't refuse a million-dollar purse he's offered for one final bout in Myanmar. But when he arrives for the fight, he learns he's been tricked into BECOMING the target of a human hunt. Carrying only water and a ruby-filled money belt for the last person standing, Wes must outsmart the heavily armed group that h...
简介:Seal Team Eight must fight their way deep into Africa's Congo, decommission a secret uranium mine, and stop o ur most dangerous enemy from smuggling weapon's grade yellow-cake out of the country.